70281 - Battlecruiser HMS Dreadnought, 1906, 1/700


HMS Dreadnought was a battleship of the British Royal Navy that revolutionized naval power when she entered service in 1906. Dreadnought represented such a marked advance in naval technology that her name came to be associated with an entire generation of battleships, the "dreadnoughts", as well as the class of ships named after her, while the generation of ships she made obsolete became known as "pre-dreadnoughts". She was the sixth ship serving under that name in the Royal Navy.

Dreadnought was the first battleship of her era to have a uniform main battery, rather than having a few large guns complemented by a heavy secondary battery of somewhat smaller guns. She was also the first capital ship to be powered by steam turbines, making her the fastest battleship in the world at the time of her completion.

Her launch helped spark a major naval arms race as navies around the world rushed to match her, particularly the Kaiserliche Marine (German Navy) in the build-up to World War I.


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