70424 - Armored Cruiser Edgar Quinet, 1911, 1/700


The Edgar Quinet was an armoured cruiser of the French Navy, the lead ship of her class.

After her commissioning, Edgar Quinet was appointed to the 1st light cruiser division in the Mediterranean, under Capitaine de vaisseau Émile Guépratte.

During the First World War, she served off Montenegro and Tunisia, notably taking part in the evacuation of the Serbian Army in 1916 and in December, in operations against Greek royalists in the Noemvriana. In 1918, she was off Malta.

In 1923, Edgar Quinet took part in the evacuation of refugees of the Armenian Genocide after the fall and Great Fire of Smyrna, ferrying 75 people to Marseille on 23 February.

From 1929, she was used as a schoolship in Toulon. On 4 January 1930, she ran aground off Algeria and four days later, she started breaking up. She became a total loss, though all the crew was safely evacuated.

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